Articles on: Appointy Legacy

How to open only specific dates?

Many businesses that don't have  a fixed schedule, often struggle to set their availability on various scheduling systems. Whereas, Appointy gives you the comfort of setting up flexible work schedule.

Appointy offers you two options to set your work schedule (SETTINGS>>BUSINESS HOURS):

CURRENT SCHEDULE : Please refer to this article for detailed instructions -

DATE SPECIFIC / IRREGULAR TIMES : This schedule is NOT dependent on the Regular work schedule. To better understand, lets take a scenario, Staff A is available only on specific dates like 14th April 2013, 19th May 2013 and 11th July 2013 from 10am to 7pm.


Step 2: Set the criteria like service, time and date. You can also repeat this availability by using the REPEAT option from the dropdown.

Step 3: This is VERY IMPORTANT.  Additional times depends on blocked times (set under FUTURE UNAVAILABILITY), unless specified as below "_This time will be open regardless of staff availability in future":_

Additional work schedule can also be used to open staff on times other than regular working hours (like 1:00pm on this Sunday) or assign services to a guest staff. You can also use this feature to setup different availability for each season. For example, staff can perform all services from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM in winter and from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM in summer.

Note: Both regular and additional work schedule depends on time slot setting. For example, if time interval is set to 30 minutes then times will be available on half hour scale like 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 etc and any time entered on a different scale like 10:15 will not be shown as available.
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Updated on: 24/12/2020

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