How to setup Business Hours correctly?
In Appointy, each of your staff can have different work schedules and so Business Hours are set against each staff.
Any staff can either have a regular, irregular or both kind of work schedule every week. Appointy is flexible enough to support almost any type of work schedule.
A schedule is generated by combining **Regular work times, Additional work times** and ******Future Unavailability.****** Here are a few schedules that can be easily setup with Appointy.
A staff performs all services every day from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
A staff performs a particular service only on wednesday.
On this sunday, staff will work for 2 hours.
A staff works on week days and every 2nd saturday.
A regular staff will be absent on this Friday.
Follow the steps below to setup Business Hours.
1. On the "Calendar View" (which opens by default for administrator), click on any staff from the left area and you will see 3 options as SET WORKING HOURS; BLOCK DAY/TIME; and EDIT STAFF DETAILS

2. Click on "Add or Update Schedule" or "Add Additional Times" to add regular or irregular business hours.
Regular work times (Staff will have regular work times everyday): Regular work times are for regular working staff. Regular work times are assigned by linking staff to a service on weekdays.
Additional work times (Staff will work extra on certain days or times): Allow a regular staff to work on times other than regular working hours (like 1:00pm on this Sunday) or assign services to a guest staff. You can also use this feature to setup different availability for each season. For example, staff can perform all services from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM in winter and from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM in summer.
Additional work times are not dependent on regular work times. So, adding 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for any service will open up regardless of times entered in regular work schedule.
Note:_Both regular and additional work schedule depends on time slot setting. For example, if time interval is set to 30 minutes then times will be available on half hour scale like 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 etc and any time entered on a different scale like 10:15 will not be shown as available._
Additional times depends on blocked times unless specified while adding a time as displayed below.

**FYI :** Dates which you opened under specific schedule happen to be past then it automatically disappear from business hour section, you can only see current and future date. Your account will show as inactive, in order to make it active you need to login to your Admin area and add new schedule.
3. Future Unavailability (Staff can be absent on a date or time): Block a date or time in future (Example, Staff will not work on Christmas). Personal events on Google calendar can also be blocked.

Select Service, staff, time, day and click on "Update business hours" button to add new business hours. You can repeat this step to generate different working hours.
Business hours can only be added and are not removed automatically. For example, if you have set to perform a service from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and now wants to update from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM then first remove the previous business hours otherwise your business hours for that particular staff and service combination would become from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Capacity 2 for any service means 2 customers can be served at any point. It does not matter to whom it is assigned. Capacity is set at service level only.
Staff cannot perform another service unless the previous service is finished. However, a staff can take multiple bookings based on the service capacity.
If your time slot setting is set to 30 minutes and the service selected by client takes about an hour then whole one hour would be blocked.
If you still have any trouble setting it up, please email us the details (alongwith you Appointy username). And your Appointy team will be happy to set it up for you.
Any staff can either have a regular, irregular or both kind of work schedule every week. Appointy is flexible enough to support almost any type of work schedule.
A schedule is generated by combining **Regular work times, Additional work times** and ******Future Unavailability.****** Here are a few schedules that can be easily setup with Appointy.
A staff performs all services every day from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
A staff performs a particular service only on wednesday.
On this sunday, staff will work for 2 hours.
A staff works on week days and every 2nd saturday.
A regular staff will be absent on this Friday.
Follow the steps below to setup Business Hours.
1. On the "Calendar View" (which opens by default for administrator), click on any staff from the left area and you will see 3 options as SET WORKING HOURS; BLOCK DAY/TIME; and EDIT STAFF DETAILS

2. Click on "Add or Update Schedule" or "Add Additional Times" to add regular or irregular business hours.
Regular work times (Staff will have regular work times everyday): Regular work times are for regular working staff. Regular work times are assigned by linking staff to a service on weekdays.

Additional work times (Staff will work extra on certain days or times): Allow a regular staff to work on times other than regular working hours (like 1:00pm on this Sunday) or assign services to a guest staff. You can also use this feature to setup different availability for each season. For example, staff can perform all services from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM in winter and from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM in summer.
Additional work times are not dependent on regular work times. So, adding 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for any service will open up regardless of times entered in regular work schedule.
Note:_Both regular and additional work schedule depends on time slot setting. For example, if time interval is set to 30 minutes then times will be available on half hour scale like 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 etc and any time entered on a different scale like 10:15 will not be shown as available._
Additional times depends on blocked times unless specified while adding a time as displayed below.

**FYI :** Dates which you opened under specific schedule happen to be past then it automatically disappear from business hour section, you can only see current and future date. Your account will show as inactive, in order to make it active you need to login to your Admin area and add new schedule.
3. Future Unavailability (Staff can be absent on a date or time): Block a date or time in future (Example, Staff will not work on Christmas). Personal events on Google calendar can also be blocked.

Some important points to remember while setting up your business hours
Select Service, staff, time, day and click on "Update business hours" button to add new business hours. You can repeat this step to generate different working hours.
Business hours can only be added and are not removed automatically. For example, if you have set to perform a service from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and now wants to update from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM then first remove the previous business hours otherwise your business hours for that particular staff and service combination would become from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Capacity 2 for any service means 2 customers can be served at any point. It does not matter to whom it is assigned. Capacity is set at service level only.
Staff cannot perform another service unless the previous service is finished. However, a staff can take multiple bookings based on the service capacity.
If your time slot setting is set to 30 minutes and the service selected by client takes about an hour then whole one hour would be blocked.
If you still have any trouble setting it up, please email us the details (alongwith you Appointy username). And your Appointy team will be happy to set it up for you.
Updated on: 24/12/2020
Thank you!